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DIY PR Courses | Business Messaging | Podcast Pitch Writing

From My Trusted Partners & Affiliates

Pitch Party from
Visibility on Purpose

Not yet ready to hire a publicist? Pitch Party is THE #1 PR/media training program & community that I recommend to learn the tools, personalized strategy, mindset, and skills to position yourself as a go-to expert through PR - all for less than the cost of hiring a publicist for one month.

Beauty Vlogger
Working from Home

PR Assistant Certification from Visibility on Purpose

Are you a virtual assistant who wants to offer PR as a service to your clients OR a business-owner who wants to train someone on your staff do do PR for you? If so, this program is for you!


cu·rate [noun] someone entrusted with the care of souls

[verb] to take charge of, organize, pull together, sift through, and select content.


sōl [noun] The spiritual part of a human being; an immaterial essence; emotional or intellectual energy or intensity.


 in·tu·i·tive [adj] using or based on what one feels to be true even without conscious reasoning; instinctive.

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